The Maze of the Dead is the latest project by Wargame-model-mods. Moving forwards with the lighting from the previous Kickstarter and integrating them with a different type of wargame terrain.
I am Thomas Farnell and this is my second Kickstarter. I learnt a lot during my first one and thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I have turned to Kickstarter again to fund the purchase and manufacture of large amount magnets and the purchase of a substantial number of light kits. Another reason for using Kickstarter is the motivation it provides and the huge response from the wargaming community. The response from the first Kickstarter helped to shape it, provide suggestions for stretch goals, and the feedback and comments was immense.
The Maze of the Dead is a fully customisable dungeon style gaming board which allows you to place walls in a totally different configuration every time you play.
Each gaming board is made up of a detailed base board, wall sections and corner sections. Each wall and corner section has a magnet in the bottom and each base board has an array of magnets placed in the top. These magnets allow you to place the walls in position and hold them so that they won’t move during play. You can even pick your boards up and move them and all the walls will remain in place.
Each base board contains one set of LED lights in either of the following colours, green, red or blue which need 2AA batteries each. Each set contains 20 lights and these are spaced around the underside of the base to light it up. The lights are slotted and glued in place using a new quicker method to secure them in place than the previous integrated buildings. The battery pack then slots into the edge of the board and Velcro can be used to prevent it from moving.
Currently there are seven unique styles of gaming board with two more that have been added as stretch goals
Setup before game play commences is fast and simple; you lay the boards out on any flat game area such as a table. You then start positioning the walls onto the base, the magnets will ensure they are placed correctly and you don’t need to worry about lining up walls because of this.
All of the boards are one-foot / 12” / 30cm square. Each one is split into 36, 2” / 5cm squares. At the center of each square is a magnet. The walls are 3” / 7.5cm high, and come in lengths of 2” / 5cm, 4” / 10cm, 6” / 15cm or 8” / 20cm. The corner sections are the same height and are 2" / 5cm square.
Everything you need.
Each pledge includes everything you need except the batteries. Each board in your pledge comes with a set of LED lights in your chosen colour and enough magnets to fill the board and every wall and corner section.
There are three types of pledges on offer, there is the Gaming board, Dungeon board and City board.
The Gaming board pledges are just for the base boards. These pledges would be great for those of you who would like a set of the awesome base boards to use as a base table to play your games on. It is recommended you already have your own terrain to add to these boards.
The Dungeon board comes as a set including the base boards and plenty (exact numbers below) of walls and corners. These sections come with everything you need, just add your own armies.
The City board comes as a set including the base boards with an additional allowance that you can use to add any buildings from my range on and/or your choice of walls / corner sections. With this you can get an entire game board and buildings or a mix of buildings and walls. The value of the buildings is found on the above website, wall sections and corners are £8 per 8.
Building theme pledge.
Are you just looking at the room themes that are part of stretch goals, if so. You can use the special pledge to back and get just these as rewards.
They would be great to spruce up your existing buildings, by adding extra details or internal themes to them.
Wall pledge
If you are just wanting walls then use the wall pledge. Corners are £8 per 8, walls are £8 per 8 sections
Opt out.
If you would like to pledge for this kickstarter but would not like the magnets or lights then you can opt out of them. if you wish to do this drop me a message regarding your pledge or tell me on the survey. If you opt out of the magnets the holes used for the magnets will be removed as well.
Table sizes.
The current pledges offer the current table sizes and include the follow amount of walls / buildings.
Gaming boards.
2x2 gaming table consisting of 4 boards.
2x4 gaming table consisting of 8 boards.
3x3 gaming table consisting of 9 boards.
3x4 gaming table consisting of boards.
4x4 gaming table consisting of 16 boards.
6x4 gaming table consisting of 24 boards.
8x4 gaming table consisting of 32 boards.
Dungeon boards.
2x2 gaming table consisting of 4 boards with 8 corners and 24 wall sections.
2x4 gaming table consisting of 8 boards with 16 corners and 48 wall sections.
3x3 gaming table consisting of 9 boards with 20 corners and 54 wall sections.
3x4 gaming table consisting of 12 boards with 32 corners and 72 sections.
4x4 gaming table consisting of 16 boards with 40 corners and 96 sections.
6x4 gaming table consisting of 24 boards with 60 corners and144 sections.
8x4 gaming table consisting of 32 boards with 80 corners and 192 sections.
City boards.
2x2 gaming table consisting of 4 boards plus buildings, corners and walls to a total value of £32.
2x4 gaming table consisting of 8 boards plus buildings, corners and walls to a total value of £64.
3x3 gaming table consisting of 9 boards plus buildings, corners and walls to a total value of £71.
3x4 gaming table consisting of 12 boards plus buildings, corners and walls to a total value of £96.
4x4 gaming table consisting of 16 boards plus buildings, corners and walls to a total value of £128.
6x4 gaming table consisting of 16 boards plus buildings, corners and walls to a total value of £200.
8x4 gaming table consisting of 32 boards plus buildings, corners and walls to a total value of £256.
Walls and corners are £10 per 8.
Wall sections.
Each pledge for a Dungeon board gets a certain amount of “wall sections”. What does this mean?
Each wall is sized by how many squares it covers on the board so a wall that covers one square or 1x1 uses one wall section. A wall that covers four squares or 4x1 uses four wall sections.
This means no matter how many walls of whatever length you receive they always cover the same area of the gaming board and have the same total length.
The different styles have slightly different ratios of wall sizes as they require different amount of wood but generally speaking you will get an equal amount of size 4, 3 and 2 walls and slightly fewer size 1 walls.
If you make a pledge for a City board, then the same applies, corners count as 1 section and then you can choose how many of each size of wall section and corners you want to up to the maximum value set.
The walls can be setup anyway you like and can be moved around quickly. you have the scope to set them up for tight corridors and small rooms or much wider corridors and large rooms to accommodate different games and models. For example, you can set the game up to restrict models to infantry and small vehicles or you can set it up to allow for larger models to fit on the table. When setup for large models you can have areas restricted to these by having a bottle neck or similar by using the walls to do this.
Another thing you can do is set the tiles up in different arrangements, you do not have to have a square or rectangle game area. You could set them up more like and underground complex with section jutting out, gaps in the middle etc, such as seen in the photo below.
Tile Connectors
Every tile will be provided with two free connectors so that you can join the separate tiles together and prevent them being knocked apart during play
Above you can see the connectors in place, at the end of each connector are some rounded bumps which slot into the underside of the tiles, the round shape help them find the locators on the tiles and slot quickly into place. The connectors allow for a slight amount of give for ease of set up but will prevent you from knocking your tiles apart.
There are several different styles of board, the dimensions are the same for each style and they can be used in conjunction with each other.
The pictures below illustrate the different styles. You can find more pictures on my website at the link below.
Area 51.
Chaotic compound.
Tech crypt.
Cyberspace corridors.
Shambolic Compound
Fantasy streets
Pick and Mix.
Choose different themed floors and walls instead of having the entire set the same. This could be having all the floors one theme and the walls another, or splitting a pledge in half so you have one half of the boards/walls one theme and the rest a different theme.
Area 51 base boards with cyberspace corridor walls.
This gaming system is aimed at 28mm wargames. The picture below shows the scale against a selection of models.
Painting and assembly.
Assemble the wooden components with PVA, super glue or similar, I personally recommend a quick setting wood PVA.
Magnets and lights should be glued in place with super glue or similar, an activator to make it set faster will increase the build speed.
To paint the kits first undercoat them and then paint them normally as you would with any other model. A decent undercoat will seal the wood and help to prevent too much water from your paint soaking in quickly.
The kits come with instructions that contain both text and pictures detailing how to construct everything. The more complex parts also come with drawings.
Wall section add-on, £8 per 8 sections(you may choose the walls sizes or have a random selection)
Corner add-on, £8 per 8 corners.
Extra Tiles £8 each
Storage boxes
These will store 8 tiles or a large amount for walls + corners.
Area 51, Chaotic compound, Tech crypts, Shambolic compound and Labyrinth walls.
20 corners and 54 wall sections in two layers
Cyberspace corridor and mechanical construct walls.
22 corners and 42 wall sections in three layers, two of these layers need to be laid on their sides
Nuclear vault walls
18 corners and 42 wall sections in three layers, two of these layers need to be laid on their sides
Reaching £10,000 gives one of these free to everyone who has pledged for 8 or more tiles. For those with only 4 tiles the box would be too big, for these pledges you will get a half size box that will hold 4 tiles.
Extra boxes can be purchased for £6 each half size boxes are £4 each.

There are 5 sets of these walkways.
Set One 3 single walkways, 2 double walkways, 1 triple walkway and 2 entrances.
Set Two 1 triple walkway and 2 quad walkways.
Set Three, 1 corner, 1 T junction and Crossroads.
Set Four, 1 Bridge section and 2 End sections.
set Five, 4 end sections.
These walkway sets are £5 each or 4 for £15.

The plinth above can be made as a square or rectangle shaped base.

Relay 2 for £10

Stretch goals.
1. Mini Defense turrets pack 1.
Add £5 to pledge.
Retail price £7

2. Mini Defense turrets pack 2.
Add £5 to pledge.
Retail price £7

3. Mini vehicle variant pack 1.
Add £10 to pledge.
Retail price £12.50

4. Mini vehicle variant pack 2.
Add £10 to pledge.
Retail price £12.50

5. Door set - 2x small 1x large.
Add £5 to pledge per set.
Two free small doors for pledges between one and eight boards.
Four free small doors for pledge over and including 9 boards .
Retail price £7

6. Premium board 1. Nuclear vault.
use the standard pledges and add 10%, no addition to postage.
This is a highly detailed set that includes a huge array of wall design featuring metal pipes on the outside, various walls with windows walls and internal pipes and designs.

More pictures here.
7. Defence drones.
Add £12 to pledge.
contains 2 small and 2 large drones.
Retail price £15

8. Sensors, consoles and displays.
Add £10 to pledge.
Contains 6 consoles, 16 mini displays, 6 mini cameras and 12 sensors.
Retail price £12.50

9. Crates and boxes.
Add £10 to pledge.
Contains 27 various drums, crates and boxes.
Retail price £12.50

10. Armoury.
Add £10 to pledge.
Contains 6 gun racks, 2 turrets, 5 ammo crates and 6 missile pallets.
Retail price £12.50

11. Science lab.
Add £10 to pledge.
Contains 27 science themed items.
Retail price £12.50

12. Premium board 2 Mechanical construct.
This set is themed around a mechanical cog design. The boards come with 16 cog designs that glue on the underside of the base, each cog section is individually lit and can use the standard Red, blue and green lights or Multi colour lights. (please note the colours on each set of the multi colour lights are not always the same) by having two lights in one section you can mix the colours to get even more. Multi colour lights are currently not available for the other boards as they are a different type of kit.
add 5% to the initial pledge, no additional post charges

remember you can view more pictures here
13. Troop platform.
Add £12 to pledge.
Covers 3x3 squares, and can be placed next to walls.
Versions for each style view them all below.
Retail price £15

14. Mechanics.
Add £10.
Featuring a bunch of damaged vehicles, drones and turrets and all the equipment to fix them.
It contains two drone docks and damaged drones, two jacks and mini vehicles, 2 work tables, 2 damaged turret parts, and a bunch of tools, bits and bobs and various parts .
Retail price £12.50

15. Control room.
Add £10.
Contains 4 control terminals, four doors, two tables and two weapons locker + a bunch of weapons.
Retail price £12.50

16. Test Facility.
Add £10.
Contains a test firing range with targets, turrets and guns, propulsion experiment, a radiation station and a desk with bits and bobs.
Retail price £12.50

17. Generators
Add £10.
Contains 4 generators
Retail price £12.50

18. Wall Breacher
Add £10. Extra breached walls £2 each
Contains 1 breaching unit and one beached wall of your choice, there is one for each style.
Retail price £12.50

19. Fighter Bay
Add £12. Extra fighters can be bought for £6 each
Contains 1 Fighter, Transport vehicle and bed, cargo pods and missiles racks
Retail price £15

20. Barracks.
Add £10.
Contains 30 pieces of barracks furniture such as beds lockers and showers
Retail price £12.50

21. Med Bay.
Add £15.
Contains one cryo pod, 2 surgery beds, 2 cat scanners, 6 patient beds, and desks + chairs.
The Cryo pod opens and closes and can hold one small model on a 25mm base.
Retail price £17

22. Engine room
Add £15.
Contains one engine, walkway and tubes to build it.
Retail price £16.50

23. Torpedo bays.
Add £10.
Contains two torpedo tubes and wall section.
Retail price £12.50

24. Water silo
Add £8.
Contains two water silos
Retail price £10

Add £10.
Red, blue, green or colour change light.
Perfect for an entrance/exit onto or off a board or use two to get from once to the other quickly.
Retail price £12.50

Add £10.
Red, blue, green or colour change lights.
Retail price £12.5

27. Fantasy Props.
Add £10.
Contains various fantasy style street props.
Retail Price £12.50

28. Force field
Add £10.
Contains two small and one large force field.
Red, Yellow, Blue or clear plastic.
Retail price £12.50

29. Distress beacons
These would make great objectives and could represent many different objects such as distress beacons, shields, transmitters etc
£5 each or 6 for £20
Red, Green, Blue or colour changing

see more pictures here
Two connector clips for each tile pledged for.
Small doors, two for pledges of 8 or less tiles and 4 for pledges of 9 or more tiles.
Storage box, one of these free to everyone who has pledged for 8 or more tiles. For those with only 4 tiles the box would be too big, for these pledges you will get a half size box that will hold 4 tiles.
Relay. one for pledges of 8 or less tiles and 2 for pledges of 9 or more tiles.
Risks and challenges
The risks on this project are very low. Machinery and expertise are already in place for production of the buildings. As well as all the other necessities such as printers for instructions etc and packaging are also in place.
The few risks this project will face will be in negotiating prices for lights and magnets as well as waiting for them the be manufactured and delivered however, these risks would only impact the delivery date of the overall project and would not threaten the completion of the project.
Other risks are the normal ones faced in any project such as machine down time due to wear and tear, illness and so on again this will only affect delivery dates of the project.